Writer. Academic.

adam pitre



This is a place for me to store links to all my work, write when I want to write, and generally keep track of what I’m up to. Thanks for stopping by.

I am a PhD candidate in the department of Film & Moving Image Studies at Concordia University in Montreal. My SSHRC-funded research focuses on digital media and platforms, and how they interact with, help shape, and transform the art created there and the audiences that live there every day. I look at theories about the future, and how the cult of Silicon Valley has sought to control the narrative of the future. I have been recognized as a 2023-4 Concordia University Public Scholar in further support of this work.

Below, you’ll find a running list of my cultural criticism, reporting, and other published work. I had a column with Catapult called “Digital Hope,” and you can find every edition here. I’ve been published at The Globe and Mail, Pitchfork, The Atlantic, Jacobin, Columbia Journalism Review, VICE, Polygon, Lapham’s Quarterly, and elsewhere. You can find my academic work and more about my research under the heading “Academia.”

I also have a Substack, Unwanted Utopias, where I share my thoughts on the futures that the tech industry tries to force on us, and the work we can do to fight back.


published work

“Who Wants the Metaverse?” JSTOR Daily (December 28, 2022).

“The Eerie Comfort of Liminal Spaces,” The Atlantic (November 1, 2022).

“Jean Harlow and Red-Headed Woman,” In The Mood Magazine (February 14, 2022).


“Reel Life,” Maisonneuve (December 29, 2020).


“A Union’s Opening Credits,” Lapham’s Quarterly (July 6, 2020).


“‘Ad Astra’ and a New Masculinity,” Wisecrack (November 19, 2019).


“Google is Old Enough to Drink,” JSTOR Daily (September 4, 2019).


“For many queer writers, Pride Month presents a dilemma,” Columbia Journalism Review (July 12 2019).


“A Critical Theory of Binge Watching,” JSTOR Daily (April 10 2019).


“Surviving the boom and bust of queer media,” Columbia Journalism Review (March 19 2019).

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“Is ASMR being punished for being pleasurable?” A Beautiful Perspective (November 13 2018).

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“How (or How Not) to Build a Labor Movement,” Lapham’s Quarterly (August 22 2018).


“Does social media actually decrease anxiety?” The Globe and Mail (August 3 2018).




PhD, Film & Moving Image Studies


Carleton university

MA, Film Studies
Graduated May 2018


Carleton university

Bachelor of Journalism
Graduated May 2016


Email: jakeadampitre@gmail.com
Phone: 613-498-4511
Address: Montreal, QC